We LOVE making our customers happy.
In life, and especially in your work life, there is little that compares with making someone smile. Smiles are contagious they say. And if you are unsure, smile at a stranger once you make eye contact. It’s not often that you won’t get a return smile.
Here at Hard Rock Stone Works seeing a job installed, a homeowner dreams coming true, and a job well done is something we strive for ever day. We are grateful to all of our customers. From the largest commercial projects to the smallest residential dreams, we want to make you all smile. Sometimes the situation is flipped and a bigger difference comes from one person, with joy in their heart, making a whole company smile from kind words.
We would like to share with you a review we received on our Houzz.com account. When we received this honest review we were honored and humbled. Please, see what Cheryl had to say:
While we appreciate feedback in all forms, we cannot deny that the glowing recommendation, drizzled with self-deprecation (which was unnecessary – they were both very sweet), individual kudos for our employees, specifics on the project, and a specific recognition to our production team that often is unknowingly by-passed, makes us smile too. With our faces, our hearts, and words that cannot express enough, we thank you, Cheryl. And all of our wonderful customers.