Much like your current kitchen, our old website was functional and comfortable but not really representative of where Hard Rock Stone Works currently is as a leader in the stone industry. We buckled down and worked with some of the best in Detroit to bring you much more informative and enjoyable browsing experience. Some of the new things you’ll notice:
Porcelain is great but is it the best for your project AND lifestyle? Curious as to the overall process that you’ll go through when you choose Hard Rock Stone Works for your renovation? We’ve got you covered in our education section.
Choosing the right material for your renovation can seem daunting at first. From budget constraints to design concerns, it’s not exactly as easy as deciding Special K or Raisin Bran for breakfast. We’ve broken each of our materials down for you with a to the point pro’s and con’s for each as well as what type of spaces they work best in.
Meet the Hard Rock Family! We love our team and recognize that they are a crucial part of what makes Hard Rock Stone Works a leader in the home renovation industry. Take a peak, learn a little bit more about the team and come say “hi” in person!
We’ve made our cinematic debut with our new series of videos detailing the process from start to finish for your renovation. Curious about templating or the digitizing process? We’ve got you covered.
Not sure where to start and need us to drop in and make an in-home visit? No problem! Shoot us a request and we’ll be in contact to arrange a time to come and have one of our experts survey the scene.
What hasn’t changed at Hard Rock Stone Works? Our commitment to our customers and dedication to providing you with the best experience we can when it comes to your renovation needs.
P.S. Don’t miss out on the awesome special we are currently running! Stock is going quick!